Sunday, July 24, 2011


It's my eldest son's 12th birthday!! I have been asked by him to make him an "Angry Birds" theme birthday cake and also cupcakes for his birthday party. I am very excited with this project and have started to search for this topic's storyline and also the characters involved.

I know that "Angry Birds" have been very popular lately for both mobile phone games and also PC games. I have also realized that there are a lot of these 'birds and pigs' pillows, bag, phone accessories and other stuffs selling 'hot' in the market. Well, no doubt about it, there are indeed ....."CUTE", hehe

So, I have decided to make a 'Dulce Le Leche' cake for his birthday cake and as for the cupcakes, Angelica (my youngest daughter) suggested 'Rich Chocolate' instead. So, I have been busy for a week molding the figurines and characters for the cake and cupcakes. Hope you all like it, as my son, IAN and his friends 'loved it'.....LOL and I'm really glad!

All cupcakes are packed into a gift box for the guest to bring home

 It's been a good memory for Ian....
Happy 12th birthday, SON!
Love you, Mummy ....xoxo